歌聲: We’ll be dancing on the moon
In a mashed potato suit.
Now in the middle of the half-moon cradle
Who will be doing the mashed potato?
Mashed Potato, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
大耳牛: 阿哥, 你仲未還個結他呀?
Desmond: 還啦還啦, 唔係又罰兩蚊日啦! ( 瞄一眼弟弟 ) 做咩呀你? 又俾邊個罰抄?
大耳牛: 李香琴!
Desmond: ( 笑, 望望他的雙筆 ) 又雙管齊下呀?
大耳牛: 嘻, 「士嘜」哩!
Desmond: ( 一邊做功課, 一邊隨着電臺彈唱 )
Time is like a dream
And now for a time you are mine……
老師: ( 敲敲桌面 ) So tell me, Desmond, do you know why you are wrong here?
Desmond: Yes, sir.
老師: Why are you wrong?
Desmond: ( 一貫的少年自負 ) You put a cross there, sir.
** 同學大笑, 老師同樣大笑; 然後, 老師忽地收起笑容.
老師: ( 冷冷地 ) Look, young man. If you want to leave the class, you may……
Desmond: ( 一怔 )……
老師: ( 繼續 ) But if I want you to leave the class, you will.
Desmond: Assuming that pressure remains constant, a rise or drop of absolute temperature of a gas sees a proportional rise or drop in volume. The volume increases by 1/273 of its volume at 0°C for every degree Celsius that the temperature rises……
父親: ( 不擅詞令如故 )…… 痛唔痛呀?
大耳牛: ( 仍含着一泡眼淚 ) 唔痛.
父親: 嬲唔嬲阿爸呀?
大耳牛: 唔嬲.
父親: 今日上咩堂呀?
大耳牛: 中文同英文.
父親: 中文教咩呀?
大耳牛: ( 想, 甩牙但認真地 ) 織織復織織, 木蘭當户織, 不聞機杼聲, 惟聞女歎息. 問女何所思? 問女何所憶? 女亦無所思, 女亦無所憶……
父親: ( 不虞有此 ) 噢…… 英文呢?
大耳牛: A man. A pan. I am a man. This is a pan. A man is holding a pan……
父親: 噢……